Project Formulation Mission for the Strategic Plan for Tourism Development in Cabo Verde
October 30, 2014

Project Formulation Mission for the Strategic Plan for Tourism Development in Cabo Verde

At the request of the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Energy of Cabo Verde, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) fielded a mission to prepare a project proposal for the formulation of the Strategic Plan for Tourism Development for the period 2014-2024.

The UNWTO mission studied the previous Strategic Plan for Tourism Development in Cabo Verde (2009-2013) and met with relevant stakeholders from the public and private sector and with NGOs, to identify and agree on key issues to be addressed in the formulation of the new Plan.  Topics to be addressed by the Plan include, among others, SWOT analysis of the tourism sector in Cabo Verde; tourism development vision, objectives and competitive positioning; identification of target markets; assessment of infrastructure capacity and development needs; communication and marketing plan; and a 10-year action plan for implementation.

The project proposal for the formulation of a Strategic Plan for Tourism Development will be submitted to the Government of Cabo Verde for approval.