The UNWTO course in Qatar 3rd edition 2014 finished on 11th December
The UNWTO regional course in Qatar on Sustainable Tourism Project Development, organized by the World Tourism Organization, its UNWTO.Themis Foundation and Qatar Tourism Authority, was closed on 11th December by Erik Johansson, from Qatar Tourism Authority and Sònia Figueras - UNWTO.Capacity Programme Manager of the UNWTO.Themis Foundation, the facilitators of the course, Adel Rady and Silvia Barbone, and 35 officials from Tourism National, Regional and Local Administrations and the private sector from Qatar, Jordan, Morocco, Oman, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia.
This course, delivered by Adel Rady and Silvia Barbone, aimed at providing the participants with knowledge of project management processes, principles, techniques, variables, tools to formulate, implement and evaluate successful and sustainable tourism projects in line with sustainable tourism principles and criteria. With this objective, the international facilitators delivered presentations on tourism project management, funding and investment and the role of partnerships in tourism projects. The participants put into practice this content with a final activity on Al Jumail, Al Zubarah, Fuwairit and Zekreet,