UNWTO presents: Special Event- Financing of Tourism for Development
September 06, 2015

UNWTO presents: Special Event- Financing of Tourism for Development

When: 15 September, 3-5:30pm

Where: Plaza Mayor Medellin Convenciones y Exposiciones- Medellin, Colombia

Languages: English, French and Spanish

The Special Event "Financing of Tourism for Development" organized by the Institutional Relations and Resource Mobilization Programme, will provide UNWTO Member States with the opportunity to acquire knowledge and better understanding of existing financing mechanisms for development in general and for tourism in particular.

UNWTO will present the work of some selected development finance institutions and trust funds, such as the World Bank Group and the Enhanced Integrated Framework, as well as French, German and Japanese development cooperation agencies. In addition, ODA-receiving Member States will present their experiences in this context, which will help to illustrate the modus operandi to access funding for tourism, but also outline the availability of financing in the context of the Post-2015 Development Agenda.

For further information on the Sustainable Development Goals, and how Tourism can effectively contribute to achieving economic growth, poverty reduction and sustainable development, check the website for further information.

This event will be open for all registered participants to the UNWTO General Assembly.

For more information, please contact: ssiv (at) unwto.org


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Find here attached the Event Description and Agenda