United Nations Geneva Open Day 2017
On Saturday, 7 October 2017, the Palais des Nations opened its doors during its' Open Day, providing a chance for the broader public to visit the Geneva landmark before its renovation starts in November.
A total of 14,200 visitors discovered more about the UN through tours of the building and by exploring exhibitions and stands of various UN agencies and partners. The Geneva ecosystem of international and local players who are working together to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was successfully highlighted. The Geneva Liaison Office (GVLO) took this unique opportunity to participate in the exhibitions and actively be a part of the United Nations in Geneva (UNOG) community.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were set up as cubes on a trail throughout the Palais des Nations to promote a better understanding of the Global Agenda 2030. The SDG cubes were dedicated to provide insight into the people and organisations behind the projects being implemented as part of a plan for planet, people and prosperity.
The Geneva Liaison Office (GVLO) together with the Communications and Publications Department (COMM) in Madrid provided contribution to the SDG Exhibition Cubes with tourism stories and programmes that showcased UNWTO's commitment towards the Agenda 2030.
The event provided the Geneva Liaison Office with a great opportunity to be a part of a very dynamic international ecosystem and an information channel to the general public by explaining the role of UNWTO in the UN System and our efforts towards achieving the Global Goals.
For more pictures of the day, please click here.