September 27, 2012

Online tool that helps hotels go green now available in Spanish

PR No.: PR12054

Hotel Energy Solutions, an online tool developed by UNWTO which allows hotels to assess their energy consumption and move towards more sustainable energy options, has been launched in Spanish on the occasion of ‘World Tourism Day 2012 – Tourism and Sustainable Energy’.

Spanish speaking hoteliers will now be able to use the Hotel Energy Solutions (HES) E-toolkit to evaluate the energy use in their hotels and identify appropriate energy saving technologies and actions, cutting carbon emissions and costs.   

The Spanish version of the HES E-toolkit was launched on the occasion of World Tourism Day (WTD), 27 September, being celebrated in 2012 under the theme Tourism & Sustainable Energy, in line with the 2012 United Nations International Year of Sustainable Energy for All. In his official WTD message, UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, said: “Many in the tourism industry have already shown leadership in developing and deploying clean energy solutions, cutting energy consumption and carbon emissions in some regions by up to 40 per cent through initiatives such as the Hotel Energy Solutions toolkit.”

“Thousands of hoteliers have already accessed the English version of this free tool, saving money and mitigating their environmental impact,” said UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai. “With its launch in Spanish, thousands more now have the same opportunity and responsibility to bring down their carbon emissions.” 

The Spanish version was prepared by UNWTO and the Council of the Spanish Province of Valladolid (Diputación Provincial de Valladolid) whose President, Jesús Julio Carnero, attended WTD celebrations in Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain to launch the Spanish version.

“The Diputación de Valladolid proposed to UNWTO that the tool be translated,” said Mr. Carnero, “because it allows us to work on and develop four essential pillars of our institution: the promotion of the Spanish language, tourism promotion, the use of new technologies and the increase in energy efficiency and environmental sustainability in the tourism sector.”

Note to editors:

HES is Europe’s largest hotel energy initiative and aims to increase energy efficiency in European small and medium hotels by 20% and their use of renewable energy by 10%. Initiated by UNWTO, the project is co-funded by the European Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation and implemented in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the International Hotel & Restaurant Association (IH&RA), the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC) and the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME). 

The Diputación Provincial de Valladolid coordinates the Innovative Concept for Eco-Accommodation Approach in the Rural Areas: Public Support Policies for Eco-Investors (ICER) at the national level, under the INTERREG IVc programme, financed by the European Union’s Regional Development Fund.

World Tourism Day (WTD) is held annually on 27 September. Its purpose is to foster awareness among the international community of the importance of tourism and its social, cultural, political and economic value. The event seeks to address global challenges outlined in the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and to highlight the contribution the tourism sector can make in reaching these goals.


Useful links:

Hotel Energy Solutions

Spanish version of the HES E-toolkit

World Tourism Day 2012



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