May 22, 2014

UNWTO launches Global Report on Shopping Tourism

PR No.: PR14037

Shopping tourism has emerged as a growing component of the travel experience, either as a prime motivation or as one of the major activities undertaken by tourists at their destinations. UNWTO’s recently released  Global Report on Shopping Tourism  analyzes the latest trends in shopping tourism, providing insight into key success factors for destinations aiming to develop this segment.

UNWTO’s Global Report on Shopping Tourism offers a series of practical guidelines and principles for all destinations interested in developing shopping tourism. The report includes a wide range of case studies by UNWTO Affiliate Members and other tourism stakeholders from around the world.

Presenting the report, UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai said: “Few sectors can boast of their power to inspire growth and create jobs as tourism and shopping can. Jointly harnessed, this can have an immense impact on a destination´s brand and positioning. UNWTO’s Global Report on Shopping Tourism also shows how public-private collaboration can channel the innumerable positive effects of this tourism segment”.

As part of the UNWTO Cities project, the Report explores the economic impact of shopping tourism and provides an overview of strategies and priorities employed by tourism stakeholders in order to foster sustainable growth and differentiation of the tourism offer in destinations.

The report is the eighth volume of the UNWTO Affiliate Member Reports, which address critical areas for the tourism sector against the backdrop of public-private collaboration and partnerships.

The study was produced in cooperation with Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna – Rimini Campus, the City of Venice, Deloitte Canada, the European Travel Commission (ETC), Global Blue, InnovaTaxfree, the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Art School for Advanced Studies in Tourism Sciences, the New West End Company, NYC & Company, the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA), Tourism Malaysia, the Tourism Observatory of the City of São Paulo, the Tourism & Transport Forum Australia, Turisme de Barcelona, Value Retail and the Vienna Tourist Board.

Useful links:

Global Report on Shopping Tourism

UNWTO Affiliate Members



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