Measuring Total Tourism Demand - General Guidelines Vol. 1

The General Guidelines for Developing the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) (Volume 1 and 2) are designed for those countries interested in implementing a TSA. They provide basic information on concepts, definitions, classifications and possible sources of information to be used. The Guidelines also explain how the proposed tables should be elaborated thus ensuring that harmonization and comparability of tourism results can be reached at the international level.
Volume 1 focuses on tourism aspects from the demand perspective and contains two documents:
- Measuring Visitor Final Consumption Expenditure in Cash covers the estimate of the most important component of visitor consumption: the value of the products purchased by visitors out of their own cash income while traveling on trips away from home, and expenditure engaged before and after the trip and related to it. This document provides guidance for the completion of TSA tables 1, 2 and 3.
- Measuring Tourism Demand, studies first of all the remaining components of visitor consumption, mainly, expenditure in kind. Secondly, it intends to guide countries in the determination and compilation of the other components of total tourism demand: tourism collective consumption and tourism gross fixed capital formation. This document provides guidance for the completion of TSA tables 4, 8 and 9.
ISBN: 978-92-844-0388-2