Measuring Tourism Supply - General Guidelines Vol. 2

The General Guidelines for Developing the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) (Volume 1 and 2) are designed for those countries interested in implementing a TSA. They provide basic information on concepts, definitions, classifications and possible sources of information to be used. The Guidelines also explain how the proposed tables should be elaborated thus ensuring that harmonization and comparability of tourism results can be reached at the international level.
Volume 2 focuses on goods and services which are relevant to the analysis of visitor consumption and, specifically, to tourism characteristic activities that produce such goods and services. This volume takes into consideration all subjects related to visitor consumption on the supply perspective and contains two documents:
- Measuring the Supply of Tourism Goods and Services, gives valuable information on the development of statistics about tourism supply and offers guidance for the completion of TSA tables 5, 7 and 10.
- Measuring Tourism Gross Domestic Products, provides a full set of reliable indicators of the economic importance of tourism in a country, while considering as well the aspect of international comparability. The document also discusses practical problems and requirements to develop such indicators and serves as reference for the completion of TSA table 6.
ISBN: 978-92-844-0383-7