First Meeting of the Working Group of Experts on Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism
19 - 20 October, 2016
The First Meeting of the Working Group of Experts on Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism was held, on 20-21 October 2016, in UNWTO Headquarters.
Discussion papers:
- Framing Sustainable Tourism
- Applying and integrating the TSA and SEEA frameworks for measuring sustainable tourism
- Role of statistical and accounting frameworks for measuring sustainable tourism
- Measuring sustainable tourism at sub-national and destination level
- Designing pilot studies
- Colleting information on sustainable tourism at country level
- Key issues for measuring sustainable tourism
- Draft outline for a methodological document describing a statistical framework for measuring sustainable tourism
Session A. Setting the scene and introductions
Session B. Understanding the policy, analytical and reporting requirements
Invited presentations:
- Ms. Marta Valero (Spain): Some key policy views on sustainable tourism in Spain
- Mr. Karoly Kovacs (UNSD): UNSD's support to improving the compilation of indicators for sustainable tourism
- Ms. Sofía Gutiérrez (UNWTO): Information Needs at Destination Level As observed through the International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO)
- Mr. Calvin Jones (Cardiff University): Mainstreaming Sustainable Tourism: Approaches from Wales
- Mr. Bimlesh Krishna (Fiji): Key findings from pilot study
Session C. Building on standards and experience to advance MST
Invited presentations:
- Ms. Leila Rohd-Thomsen (UNSD): Integrated data for the 2030 agenda: the SEEA and TSA
- Mr. Juan Pablo Castañeda, (World Bank): The WAVES Experience in Developing Countries: Challenges and opportunities for institutionalizing Natural Capital Accounting
- Mr. Peter Laimer (Austria): MST Pilot study in Austria
- Ms. Angelica Tudini (Italy): Starting an MST Pilot Study in Italy
- Pilot study report Austria
- Pilot study report Italy
- Discussion paper #5: Designing pilot studies
- Discussion paper #6: Colleting information on sustainable tourism at country level
Session D. Towards a statistical framework for measuring sustainable tourism
Presenter and moderator: Mr. Carl Obst (UNWTO consultant)
- Discussion Paper #2: Applying and integrating the TSA and SEEA frameworks for measuring sustainable tourism
- Discussion Paper #3: Role of statistical and accounting frameworks for measuring sustainable tourism
- Discussion Paper #4: Measuring sustainable tourism at sub-national and destination level
- Discussion Paper #8: Draft outline for a methodological document describing a statistical framework for measuring sustainable tourism
Session E. Key measurement issues in linking tourism, environment and spatial scale
Invited presentations:
- Mr. Carl Obst (UNWTO consultant): Indicators, statistical framework and data
- Mr. Arturo de la Fuente (Eurostat): Some lessons from SEEA for the measurement of sustainable tourism
- Mr. Maarten van Rossum (Netherlands): Green growth indicators for the tourism sector in the Netherlands
- Mr. Raúl Figueroa (Mexico): Towards the “greening” Tourism Satellite Account. Mexican proposal
- Mr. Antonio Massieu (INRouTe): UNWTO MST Initiative and the Measurement and Analysis of Subnational Tourism and Sustainable Development
- Ms. Ana Moniche (Andalucía Regional Government): Key measurement issues in linking tourism, environment and spatial scale - Policy relevant indicators statistically based
- Mr Carl Obst (UNWTO consultant): Introduction to the key issues for measuring sustainable tourism
- Discussion Paper #4: Measuring sustainable tourism at sub-national and destination level
- Discussion Paper #7: Key issues for measuring sustainable tourism
Session F. Way forward and closing
- Discussion Paper #1: Framing Sustainable Tourism
- Discussion Paper #2: Applying and integrating the TSA and SEEA frameworks for measuring sustainable tourism
Additional information
- Possible uses of Big Data in the compilation of National Accounts: Tourism Satellite Account of Mexico
- Green Jobs for Sustainable Tourism, by Green Jobs and Sustainable Development International Centre (GJASD International)
For more information about the Measuring Sustainable Tourism initiative please visit the MST website.
More pictures of the meeting (click on the image to expand)