Affiliate Members Global Report: Volume twelve - Cultural Routes and Itineraries
The UNWTO Affiliate Members Global Report, Volume 12 on Cultural Routes and Itineraries is a joint publication with Affiliate Member, Agencia de Turismo de Las Islas Baleares (ATB). The report highlights current trends in cultural tourism providing insight on how cultural routes and itineraries contribute to tourism development. Cultural routes have provided destinations globally with a notable competitive advantage among cultural tourists who benefit from more innovative tourism products and valuable visitor experiences.
Recently, ATB has designed the Balearic Archaeosites as a cultural tourism product with an archaeological route for the whole of the archipelago. This report highlights similar cases and best practices from all over the world providing a framework for designing and establishing cultural routes globally. This phenomenon is beneficial to the tourism sector reaping sustainable socio-economic and cultural benefits across the different destinations among formulated routes.