12th UNWTO Asia/Pacific Executive Training Programme on Tourism Policy and Strategy

12th UNWTO Asia/Pacific Executive Training Programme on Tourism Policy and Strategy

18 - 21 March, 2018

The 12th UNWTO Asia/Pacific Executive Training Programme on Tourism Policy and Strategy co-organized by UNWTO, Ministry of Tourism, Government of India and Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Republic of Korea will be held in Kerala, India from 19 - 22 March 2018.

Since 2006, the UNWTO has convened the Asia and the Pacific Executive Training Program on Tourism Policy and Strategy annually. This Executive Training Programme is the only programme of its kind in the region and is renowned for its stimulating content and thought-provoking discussions. The theme and subject of the Programme changes each year and has historically had far-reaching impacts both for the host destination and the attendees. 

The delegates who attend the Executive Training Programme are high-level officials within their respective governments across the Asia and the Pacific region. Through a series of lectures, group discussions, debates, presentations and technical tours, the Training Programme provides a welcoming forum in which public sector tourism executives gain a better understanding of the latest trends in tourism management. It also provides a platform for sharing knowledge and experience, to learn of successful practices in policy and strategy formulation and implementation. The Training Programme gives participants the opportunity to improve their strategic tourism management skills and, through a newfound network of regional contacts, continue to develop these skills going forward.

The overall theme for the 12th iteration of the UNWTO Asia/Pacific Executive Training Programme is Tourism and Technology.

The overall objectives of the training programme are to deepen participants’ understanding of how to maximize the use of technology for the benefit of tourism with a focus on the following areas:

  • How to inform national tourism authorities of the importance of technology to support management of the unprecedented growth of sector growth in the region; 

  • How to prepare national tourism authorities for the continued expansion of technology as a tool for destination development, management and innovation; 

  • How technology can support inclusive and sustainable growth of tourism in the region;
  • How technology and social media can contribute to destination marketing and quality assurance; and 

  • How policy level decisions can help improve the effectiveness of the use of technology to ensure the competitiveness and sustainability of a tourism destination. 

Moreover, the training program strives to enable UNWTO’s Asia and the Pacific Member Countries to share successful tourism good practices in the use of technology. The ultimate aim is to strengthen the capacity of destinations at the regional, sub-regional, national and destination levels.

To see photos of the event, please click here.

Contact information:

UNWTO Secretariat

Ms. Jeongmi Lee
Senior Officer
UNWTO Regional Program for Asia and the Pacific
Email: jlee@unwto.org

Ms. Harmony Lamm
UNWTO Regional Program for Asia and the Pacific
Email: hlamm@unwto.org



Professor Yoon Ji Hwan, Kyung Hee University The Impact of Technology on the Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Professor Yoon Ji HwanUnderstanding and Managing Technological Change: A Major Role for Tourism Companies and Industry Organizations

Mr. Hari Nair, Founder & CEO of HolidayIQ  - Tourism and Technology

Ms. Sarah Mathews, Head of Destination Marketing APAC of TripAdvisor -  Tourism in Asia-Pacific

Country Delegates:

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Cambodia
  3. China
  4. India
  5. Indonesia
  6. Iran
  7. Japan
  8. Malaysia
  9. Maldives
  10. Mongolia
  11. Myanmar
  12. Papua New Guinea
  13. Republic of Korea
  14. Samoa
  15. Sri Lanka
  16. Viet Nam