Iran's New National Brand: Majestic Iran
Iran has announced its new national brand ‘Majestic Iran: A Different Experience’ as the official slogan for Iran’s tourism industry.
The main challenge with branding Iran as a tourism destination was to define Iran National Tourism Brand Identity and make a unity among various tourism potentials. The Simurgh was eventually selected as the visual identity of the National Tourism Brand.
By conducting the data collection on public opinion and experts viewpoints, "Majestic Iran: A Different Experience" has been ultimately selected as the slogan for the National Brand.
Finalizing the National Brand slogan and the visual identity, Islamic Republic of Iran is planned to make use of this brand in the country tourism advertising campaigns and promotions. The brand is to be used by public and private tourism stakeholders' promotional products and brochures.
Please find more details in this Report on Islamic Republic of Iran National Brand.