Assembly Daily | General Assembly Special Edition

Assembly Daily 01 | General Assembly Special Edition

UNWTO UN tourism News N33

- Assembly Daily |General Assembly Special Edition -

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Madrid Welcomes Tourism Leaders to
the 24th UNWTO General Assembly

The Spanish capital of Madrid has welcomed tourism leaders, both public and private to the 24th UNWTO General Assembly. The Spanish capital, which also serves as the headquarters of the UNWTO will in the next three days be the beehive of activities as the tourism sector chart a new path to an accelerated recovery. In line with the UNWTO’s core priorities, the General Assembly will focus on building for the future through innovation, education and tourism for rural development.

Greater Legal Protection for Tourists promulgated
Greater Legal Protection for Tourists promulgated
The urgency for the tourism community to respond to the needs of travellers/tourists in time of need heightened during the covid-19 pandemic. To further restore confidence in the tourism sector, the UNWTO in partnership with member states and other key partners have moved a step further to cushion tourists with the adaption of the regulatory framework of the International Code for the Protection of Tourists. The code has develop minimum standards and consumer rights for tourists in emergency situations a special Committee was formed. In all, 98 Member States and Associate Members as well as 5 non-member States (Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg), international organizations and leading private sector stakeholders actively participated on this landmark project. The General Assembly is expected to adapt the International Code for the Protection of Tourists at this session.
What’s Happening Today
What’s Happening Today
The 43rd UNWTO Affiliate members session will kick start activities at the 24th General Assembly. The Affiliate Member’s program is the private sector wing, destinations and Academia of the UNWTO, and the session will offer a space for members to engage in dialogue, share information and take further action on how to build back better. The proposed Reform of the Legal Framework for UNWTO Affiliate Membership will take centre stage at today’s session. More signatories to the Glasgow Declaration at COP26 from the private sector are expected to be announced. Other important activities today include the meeting of the Committee on Tourism and Sustainability, Committee on Tourism and Competitiveness and Committee on Tourism Online Education.
Travel Restrictions Update
Travel Restrictions Update
The 11th UNWTO Travel Restrictions released has One out of five destinations who continues to have their borders completely closed as new surges of COVID-19 impact the restart of international tourism. The latest research shows that still 98% of all destinations have some form of travel restrictions in place.
Travel Restrictions Update
UNWTO World Tourism Barometer

After a weak first half of 2021, international tourism rebounded during the Northern Hemisphere summer season, boosting results for the third quarter of the year, especially in Europe.

According to the newest edition of the UNWTO World Tourism Barometer, international tourist arrivals (overnight visitors) increased by 58% in July-September 2021 compared to the same period of 2020. However, they remained 64% below 2019 levels.

Tourism’s Louder Voice at COP26
Leaders of the Global Tourism sector forged an alliance and committed to cut emissions in half by 2030 and achieve Net Zero by 2050 at the latest during the recently held COP26 In Glasgow, Scotland. The signatories to the Glasgow Declaration included some of tourism’s biggest corporations. The Glasgow Declaration recognizes the urgent need for a globally consistent plan for climate action in tourism. Signatories commit to measure, decarbonize, regenerate and unlock finance.
Meet Winners of UNWTO Students’ League
After a grueling and exciting session at this year’s UNWTO Students League competition, eight solutions from Institutions were adjudged to have proffered alternatives which meets the sustainability and responsible tourism mark/grade.
Tourism Leaders single out Investments as pivotal to sustainable Recovery in Africa
Tourism Leaders single out Investments as pivotal to sustainable Recovery in Africa
Tourism Ministers in Africa have identified investment as key element in driving the region’s recovery in a sustainable way. Meeting in Cabo Verde for the region’s 64th CAF Meeting, the over twenty-one ministers gathered there expressed optimism of a recovery and strengthen their cooperation and advance plans for recovery and sustainable growth
114th session of the Executive Council
114th session of the Executive Council
The 114th Executive Council of the UNWTO will be held today ahead of the opening of the 24th session of the General Assembly. The Executive Council is expected to deliberate on the decisions of the last council. Secretary General Zurab Pololikashvili will report to the council activities of the organization and UNWTO’s response to the evolving crisis.
App for 24th General Assembly goes live

An application to help participants and delegates to network, surf and follow up to the minute update of the 24th session of the General Assembly has been launched and live on Android and IOS users. The allocation gives a user an access to every information of the assembly. From the event programs to all documents associated with every session.

Use it to stay up to date with the latest news and announcements, see your personal schedule, and create your event profile. Are you ready to plan your experience? Use this Event ID to find it: UNWTO GA2021 

Once you login, your profile is set as "Hidden" by default, you won't appear on the attendees list.  

Next up on day 2!

Morning Session

Official opening

Venue: Roma/Milan/Venecia

Plenary session 1

Venue: Roma/Milan/Venecia

Credentials Committee

Venue: Esquivias


Afternoon Session

Lunch sponsored by Uzbekistan


Plenary session 2

Venue: Roma/Milan/Venecia


Venue: Platea Madrid (by invitation)

UNWTO media highlights:
El País

Zurab Pololikashvili: “Canarias será de las regiones donde el turismo sufra más por la nueva ola de contagios”


¿‘Quo vadis’, turismo?


Europe In The Grip Of Fourth Covid Wave: Travel Bans, New Restrictions Starting This Week, Country By Country


UN tourism body chief calls for swift, uniform decisions on COVID travel curbs

France 24

Pandemic to cost global tourism $2.0 trillion in 2021: UN

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