Joining the UNWTO Affiliate Members Department allows your entity to achieve local, regional, national and global visbility through the network and channels of UNWTO. The Affiliate Members Department is a fundamental tool in increasing competitiveness of the private sector actors in the tourism sector.
What do we offer?
Interactive Platform
The Affiliate Members Department offers an interactive platform for members to communicate and encourages collaboration and is exclusively available to Affiliate Members.
The UNWTO Networks serve as a venue for active collaboration where UNWTO Member States and Affiliate Members can interact, share and access relevant information. Furthermore, they can benefit from the platform to generate, disseminate and apply specialized knowledge in order to take advantage of the great potential to address pressing tourism-related issues of common interest from a variety of sectors. So far, UNWTO Networks on the following topics have been created:
- Music Tourism
- Sports Tourism
- Gastronomy Tourism
- Knowledge Management
- Shopping Tourism
- City Tourism
Working Groups
UNWTO Working Groups are open to members who wish to exchange expertise on specific tourism segments. As of now, UNWTO Working Groups on the following topics have been created:
- Accessible Tourism, led by Red Estable
- SDGs Support, led by Hostelling International
- Resilience in Destinations at Stake, led by BTW and TOBB
- Youth Tourism, led by WYSE
- Technology and Tourism, led by Google
Partnerships with private and public stakeholders
The UNWTO Affiliate Members Department serves as the major gateway for alliances and collaboration between the private and public sectors in tourism.
AM Newsletter
The AM Newsletter is a service that enables members to share their initiatives and projects with the entire AM community, establish contacts with prospective business partners and promote their services to other members.
Use of UNWTO Affiliate Members Logo
Upon formal approval, Affiliate Members are allowed, and encouraged, to include the UNWTO Affiliate Members logo on their website and/or stationary top give visibility to their membership.
Publications and Reports
The Affiliate Members publications, jointly produced with interested Affiliate Members, address topics of interest from the perspective of public-private partnerships to support the advancement of knowledge in tourism. Based on a compilation of Affiliate Members case studies and real-life examples, they can serve as models for many destinations and companies.
Access to E-Library, UNWTO Barometer and UNWTO Statistical Data
The Affiliate Membership includes access to the UNWTO E-Library, offering an unparalleled coverage of research and information in the area of tourism and giving access to over 1,100 UNWTO publications including books, journals along with UNWTO Barometer and UNWTO Statistical data.
Contact us at am@unwto.org for more information.