UNWTO.TedQual certified programme
May 15, 2018

UNWTO General Assembly simulation ran by students of a UNWTO.TedQual certified programme

A Simulacrum of UNWTO General Assembly was developed by students of the School of Tourism of La Rochelle Business School, France, to discuss on the degree of implementation of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism (GCET) at Worldwide Level.

On 4th of April 2018, under the central topic of the implementation of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, students from the Bachelor in Tourism and Hospitality/Pre-Master Programme of the School of Tourism of La Rochelle Business School, France, developed a simulacrum of a UNWTO General Assembly in order to present the work developed at country level and by their Regional Organizations for encouraging the implementation of the Global Code of Ethics.

This activity, under the umbrella of the course: Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, had allowed students to get deeper knowledge, through a real-time exercise, on the most developed topics of the GCET at governmental level, while identifying the areas where each country can inspire others at regional level.

The Member States of UNWTO approved the first International Convention on Tourism in September 2017, therefore making the GCET more and more important to the public and private sector. It is also a mandatory requirement for all Higher Tourism Education Programmes and Tourism Training programmes who have been awarded or wish to apply for the UNWTO.TedQual Certification.

Congratulations to all the students participating for this great initiative!