Sign up now: 1st Hackathon for Smart Destinations (23-24 June 2018)
June 15, 2018

Sign up now: 1st Hackathon for Smart Destinations (23-24 June 2018)

PR No.: PR 18047

Madrid, Spain, 13 June 2018.- On 23 and 24 June, the Spanish city of Oviedo will host the 1st Hackathon for Smart Destinations. This initiative of the World Tourism Organization, the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism and the Government of the Principality of Asturias, with the collaboration of Minube, will take place within the framework of the 2nd UNWTO World Conference on Smart Destinations.

The aim of the Hackathon will be to design smart technology-based solutions that can contribute to making tourism more sustainable.

The idea is rooted in the conviction that technological solutions are crucial instruments in order to ensure and strengthen the sustainability and competitiveness of destinations. It is a powerful way of creating solutions for better managing tourism’s success. The objectives are to decouple growth from natural resource consumption, ensure quality as well as the satisfaction of both visitors and local communities, and to show that—if well managed— tourism can be an agent of change.

The Hackathon is open to developers, designers and tourism professionals who are invited to present innovative and sustainable solutions for tourism and compete for more than 10,000 euros in prizes, to be awarded to the best applications, among other prizes.

Information on how to sign up for the Hackathon

Information on the 2nd UNWTO World Conference of Smart Destinations



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