Tourism data and matching priorities - Turkmenistan

Tourism data and matching priorities - Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan is Under Article 13 and 34: no services can be provided.

Turkmenistan needs to agree and sign the UNWTO payment plan.

UNWTO’s assistance in implementation of National Plan of Actions on Enhancement of Reporting on SDGs in Turkmenistan.

  • The plan is to be approved by the Government of Turkmenistan.
  • UNWTO has been requested by UNDP Office in Turkmenistan to assist the corresponding state entities in preparations of the report in implementing SDGs 8.9.1. (Tourism direct GDP as a proportion of total GDP and in growth rate) and 12.b.1 (Implementation of standard accounting tools to monitor the economic and environmental aspects of tourism sustainability).

Increase connectivity and facilitate travel.

  • UNWTO can facilitate Turkmenistan's cooperation with international airlines.
  • UNWTO can provide recommendations for Turkmenistan in the field of visa facilitation aiming at rapidly increasing the number of international visitors and creating jobs.

Turkmenistan as a host destination of big international events

  • To submit the candidature of Turkmenistan to host large-scale UNWTO conferences, fora and other events, like the General Assembly, Regional Commission Meeting as well as other global events. By hosting such events all ministers of tourism and major tourism industry stakeholders (tour operators, airlines, hotel chains, etc.) will travel to Turkmenistan that will significantly increase the country´s awareness as a tourism destination.

Technical assistance and digital transformation

(Match:Turkmenistan needs technical assistance to develop tourism industry, including elaboration of tourism policy related documents. Lack of digital technologies causes the underdevelopment of the tourism industry as well as prevents to attract new flows of tourists from western countries.).

  • Assist the country in the development of National Tourism strategy if requested (no relevant document or reference to it has been found in open sources).
  • Introduce the UNWTO Start-up Competitions, the world’s largest startup competition in tourism

Education & Training

(Match: The enhancement of skills of the tourism workforce, along with the creation of jobs in tourism, is identified as a key priority. Capacity building programs for the workers of hospitality and guides as well as for managers of the medium level, including officials, may be interesting for the authorities).

  • Support through the UNWTO Academy: UNWTO can support Turkmenistan in the development of tourism educational programmes (i.e, curricula), along with the delivery of tailored-made trainings (I.e., training for officials, training for tourism guides)
  • UNWTO Academy can assist Turkmenistan to develop academic courses in tourism field in different state universities.
  • Organization of masterclasses/seminars for government official on the tourism management and tourism planning.

Enhance the tourism offer of Turkmenistan and rural development

(Match: Turkmenistan experiences lack of tourism product. The country is also very less-known tourist destination due to absence of widespread advertisement campaign, which would allow the country to break into world markets. As the most population of the countries live in rural areas and industry is not developed enough, involvement of the rural population into tourism industry can lead to the growth of the livelihood.).

  • UNWTO Academy: Organization of dedicated trainings/seminars on the development of new tourism product in rural areas as well as its efficient promotion.
  • UNWTO Rural Tourism Development Programme - Best Tourism Villages of the World: International Label; Tourism Villages Upgrade Programme; Best Tourism Villages Network.

International tourism

Tourism Sites

  1. Darvaza Gas Crater
  2. Karakum Desert
  3. Independence Monument
  4. Monument of Neutrality
  5. Gonur Tepe
  6. Ertugrul Gazi Mosque
  7. Mausoleum of Soltan Sanjar
  8. Kow Ata

UNESCO World Heritage Sites:

  1. Parthian Fortresses of Nisa (2007)
  2. State Historical and Cultural Park “Ancient Merv” (1999)

Source: UNWTO Dashboard