Back First Extraordinary Session of the General Assembly 27 - 28 April, 2022 Madrid Share this content: Share this article on Facebook Share this article on LinkedIn Share this article on Twitter Share this article on LinkedIn Resolutions List of participants Information Note (A/EXT-1/Note Inf.rev.1) 1. Provisional Agenda (A/EXT-1/1 prov.) 2. Election of the President and the Vice-Presidents (A/EXT-1/2 rev.1) 3. Appointment of the members of the Credentials Committee (A/EXT-1/3) 4. Report of the Credentials Committee (A/EXT-1/4) Report of the ad hoc Committee on the suspension of membership of the Russian Federation 5. Consideration of the suspension of membership of the Russian Federation (A/EXT-1/5) Proposal presented by France (A/EXT-1/5/1) Proposal presented by Poland (A/EXT-1/5/1.1) Model Credentials letter Model credentials letter for representation