I Conferencia Internacional de Derecho del Turismo de la OMT

I International Seminar on Tourism Law of the World Tourism Organization

30 November - 01 December, 2023
Universidad de Salamanca
Castilla y León - Impulsa


The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), jointly with the University of Salamanca and the University of Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne, will hold the I International Seminar on Tourism Law of the United Nations World Tourism Organization on November 30 and December 1, 2023, dedicated to the UNWTO International Code for the Protection of Tourists ("the Code"), addressing its achievements and challenges.

This Seminar aims to assess the progress and impact of the Code two years after its approval at the 24th UNWTO General, in addition to supporting the establishment and definition of Tourism Law as an independent branch of the legal system.
The Seminar will also serve as a platform to share knowledge and best practices among academic experts and public & private stakeholders through a set of panels, which will be organized following on the different chapters of the Code, enabling the identification of the main challenges that will be faced in the coming years.

Which are the main objectives of the Seminar?

  • To introduce the Code as an instrument to provide greater legal certainty to each and all tourism stakeholder.
  • To serve as a forum to discuss about the content of each Chapter of the Code and to assess its role as a mechanism to provide a greater protection of tourists in the post-pandemic world and to achieve a harmonized legal framework at the international level.
  • To discuss about Tourism Law as an independent branch of the legal system.
  • To analyze the procedure to adhere to the Code.

Who is the Seminar aiming at?

  • Ministers and authorities in charge of National Tourism Administrations.
  • International Organizations.
  • Law firms and attorneys dedicated to tourism issues.
  • Professors and university experts, both in Public and Private Law.
  • Law and Tourism Students
  • Business associations at the tourism sector
  • Consumer associations.

What are the advantages and benefits for participants?

  • Unique and first-hand approach to the content of the Code through the experts who participated in its inception and development, as well as through renowned experts in the fields addressed therein.
  • Get to know the main challenges and opportunities in the protection of tourists in emergency situations as well as in the protection of tourists as consumers.
  • Analyze best practices developed by Member States during the two years period since its adoption
  • Deepen the development of Tourism Law, both in its public and its private law side.
  • Meeting peers and colleagues to increase collaboration and networking
  • Get to know the Tourism Law Observatory for Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Identify opportunities to adhere to the Code, its procedure and the legal and political implications.