Technical INSTO Webinar on: Local Satisfaction with Tourism During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Technical INSTO Webinar on: Local Satisfaction with Tourism During the COVID-19 Pandemic

25 May, 2021

The wellbeing of host communities is highly relevant when measuring the impact of tourism on destination level. Communities can be impacted both positively from tourism through jobs, economic activity and improved social services and negatively due to stress or damage on local resources and cultural values. Changes in level of satisfaction can be an early warning indicator of potential incidents and a means to obtain information about emerging problems and irritants before they become serious.

This webinar discussed experiences and lessons learned by some Members of the UNWTO International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO). The observatories shared and discussed insights on the methods of questionnaires, surveys and interviews, as well as the potential impact of results on the recovery of tourism in their destinations.

Watch the recording here


Dr. Dirk Glaesser, Director of Sustainable Development of Tourism Department, UNWTO


Australia's South West Tourism Observatory (ASWTO)
Dr. Michael Volgger, Associate Professor (Tourism), School of Management and Marketing, Co-Director Tourism Research Cluster, Faculty of Business and Law, Curtin University
See Presentation

Monitoring Centre for Sustainable Tourism Observatories (MCSTO) (China)
Ms. Jiawei Jiang, Assistant Director, MCSTO
See Presentation

Navarre Tourism Observatory (Spain) 
Mr. Mattias Petter Bergman Johansen, Sociologist, Navarre Tourism Observatory
See Presentation

Technical INSTO Webinar on: Local Satisfaction with Tourism During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Organized by the Sustainable Development of Tourism Department of the UNWTO