Monitoring the recovery of tourism with market intelligence
Preliminary Programme
Welcome Remarks
Presentation by UNWTO representative
- Michel Julian, Programme Officer
- Javier Ruescas, Senior Project Specialist
Presentation by Forwardkeys representative
- Luis Millan, Market Research Manager
- Juan A. Gómez García, Insights Expert

Luis Millan is Market Research Manager at ForwardKeys, the world’s leading travel analytics company. This role has him analysing more than 17 million flight booking transactions per day for pivotal business insights that guide his clients forward. Luis assists DMOs, Hospitality, Travel Retail, and other travel industry players in adopting better data-driven strategies and measuring the impact of major events on travel demand.
Prior to joining ForwardKeys, Luis gained international experience as trade consultant and business developer. He holds an MBA and a B.A. in Journalism in the University of Valencia.

Juan Gómez is a seasoned expert in Travel and Tourism and Insights Expert at ForwardKeys. In his role at ForwardKeys he advises clients in tourism and finance in their strategic decision-making using the freshest data and view for new business opportunities.
After completing his Master's in Tourism Management at the University of Westminster (UK), he gained professional experience working as Research Manager Hotels, Leisure and Tourism at BDO Hotel’s Consultancy department. With plenty of international exposure, he has grown to be a frequent speaker on the topic of travel post-COVID.

Michel Julian is Programme Officer at the Tourism Market Intelligence and Competitiveness Department, United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).
His work at the UNWTO Tourism Market Intelligence and Competitiveness department covers the analysis of current and future tourism trends. He contributes to the preparation of key UNWTO reports such as the UNWTO World Tourism Barometer. His field of work also includes the study of tourism products and segments, outbound markets and marketing techniques.
He has coordinated joint research projects with the European Travel Commission’s Market Intelligence Committee, reflected in several technical handbooks and seminars.
Mr Julian (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic) studied economics and holds Masters degrees in International Economics and Tourism Economics from Toulouse School of Economics - Sciences Po (Toulouse, France).

Javier Ruescas is a senior researcher working in the Market Intelligence and Competitiveness Department at the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). He is responsible for tourism and economic data management and analysis for reports such as the UNWTO World Tourism Barometer and UNWTO Tourism Highlights. Javier has contributed to recent publications such as the UNWTO/GTERC Asia Tourism Trends, 2020 edition and UNWTO Briefing Notes Tourism in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Understanding Domestic Tourism and Seizing its Opportunities. He has been working for UNWTO since 2012.
Prior to UNWTO, Javier worked for ING Real Estate Investment Management and DTZ Property Advisors, doing economic, investment fund and property research. He holds a degree in Business Studies from the European Business School (Madrid) and a master’s degree in Comparative Culture (major in International Business) from Sophia University (Tokyo).