33rd JCM

The Meetings of the UNWTO Commissions for Asia & the Pacific Be Held Virtually on 14 September 2021

14 September, 2021

54th Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for East Asia and the Pacific: 08:00-09:00 (GMT+2)

33rd Joint Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for East Asia and the Pacific & the Commission for South Asia: 10:00-13:30 (GMT+2) 

58th Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for South Asia: 15:00-16:00 (GMT+2)

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The 33rd Joint Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for East Asia and the Pacific & the UNWTO Commission for South Asia (33rd CAP-CSA), the 54th Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for East Asia & the Pacific (54th CAP), and the 58th Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for South Asia (58th CSA) are scheduled to take place on 14 September 2021. The forthcoming meetings will be held virtually due to the current pandemic crisis.

The UNWTO Commission Meetings are UNWTO´s principal annual events in the Asia and the Pacific region, which will be attended by participants from the UNWTO Member States, UNWTO Affiliate Members, and international and regional organizations. Key topics to be discussed this year will include:

  • Presentation on UNWTO Programme of Work for 2020-2021
  • Interventions by CSA-CAP Ministers on Tourism Recovery in response to COVID-19
  • Results of the Survey on Members´Priorities for the General Programme of Work and Budget for the Period 2022-2023
  • Update on the draft International Code of the Protection of Tourists 
  • Preparation for the 24th Session of the UNWTO General Assembly
  • Discussions related to the UNWTO Asia-Pacific Member States

​Please find the decisions of the 32nd Joint Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for East Asia and the Pacific and the UNWTO Commission for South Asia.


               (The registration is closed. Please contact rdap@unwto.org for firther information)

Submission of the Credentials: As in the cases of the previous Commission Meetings, it is necessary to submit the letter of credentials of the delegation. With regards to elections and voting, Members may please refer to Nominations, Elections and Electronic Voting and Guidelines on e-voting platform. Please find the Model Credentials Letter_CSA and Model Credentials Letter_CAP for your ready reference. The letter of credentials of the delegation should be sent to the Regional Department for Asia and the Pacific at rdap@unwto.org.

Meeting Documents:


World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
General Information
Ms. Eunji Tae
Officer, Regional Department for Asia and the Pacific
Ms. Christine Brew
Technical Coordinator, Regional Department for Asia & the Pacific
EMAIL: rdap@unwto.org