Tourism for All: How can tourism companies and destinations champion their accessibility agenda? 

Tourism for All: How can tourism companies and destinations champion their accessibility agenda? 

18 January, 2023
UNE Normalización Española
Fundación ONCE
Grupo social ONCE

Register NowUNWTO, Fundación ONCE and the Spanish Association for Standardization will co-present a series of tools aimed at implementing international standards which encompass the entire accessible tourism value chain.

On the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2022, the partners launched a user-guide targeting public administrations and tourism destinations, geared toward the implementation of ISO 21902:2021. This set of guidelines sheds light on specific actions that can be carried out by organizations entrusted with designing tourism policies, strategies and marketing plans.

The event will also gather representatives of tourism companies to discuss different approaches in applying accessibility criteria and standards. The debate will showcase practices which demonstrate that higher accessibility levels contribute to a more efficient planning of the industry’s inclusivity agenda.

The speakers will bring to the table their sound arguments, proofing once more, why Tourism for All is indeed a major business opportunity in the recovery process of our sector.



José Manuel Huesa, Director, Servimedia

15:30 - 15:45

Opening Remarks
Zoritsa Urosevic,
Executive Director, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Javier García Díaz, Director General, Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE) and Vice-president of International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Miguel Carballeda, President, ONCE Social Group

15:45 - 16:00

Introduction: International standardization in the field of accessible tourism

Jesús Hernández Galán,
Director, Universal Accessibility and Innovation, ONCE Foundation and Vice-president, European Network for Accessible Tourism (ENAT)
Natalia Ortiz de Zárate, Tourism Program Manager, Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE)
Marina Diotallevi,  Head, Ethics, Culture and Social Responsibility, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

16:00 - 16:30

Panel Discussion: Why accessible and inclusive tourism contributes to the recovery of the sector?

Mateo Estrella, Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Tourism of Ecuador
Bernardo Jordano, Deputy Mayor for Human Resources, Occupational Health, Inclusion and Accessibility, City Council of Córdoba
Catalina Alemany Sorell, Director of Social Responsibility and Corporate Training, RIU Hotels & Resorts, Spain
Vicente Romero J., President-Founder, International Circle of Hospitality Directors (CIDH)


Conclusion and Closing Remarks
José Manuel Huesa, Director, Servimedia

The event will feature simultaneous interpretation from Spanish into English. The ONCE Foundation will provide conditions to ensure the physical, auditory and visual accessibility measures in place.


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