Back Executive Council - 119th session 17 October, 2023 Share this content: Share this article on Facebook Share this article on LinkedIn Share this article on Twitter Share this article on LinkedIn Decisions taken by the Executive Council at its 119th session 1. Provisional Agenda (CE/119/1 prov.) 1. Supplementary provisional agenda (CE/119/1 prov. sup.) 2. Communication of the Chair (CE/119/2) 3(a) Implementation of the General Programme of Work 2022-2023 (CE/119/3(a) rev.1) 3(b) Draft Programme of Work for 2024-2025 (A/25/4(c) rev.1) 3(b) Corrigendum (A/25/4(c) Corr.1) 3(b) Flagship Initiatives (A/25/4(c) RC-1) 3(b) Proposal by the Regional Commission for Europe of an “Agenda for Europe 2030" (A/25/4(c) RC-2 rev.1) 3(b) The Journey to 2030 and Beyond (A/25/4(c) RC-3) 3(c) Financial situation of the Organization (A/25/5 rev.2) 3(d) Human resources report (A/25/6) 4. Report on Task Force on Redesigning Tourism for the Future (A/25/8) 5. Progress report on UNWTO Regional and Thematic Offices (A/25/9 rev.1) 5. Addendum 1, Progress report on the establishment of the UNWTO Regional and Thematic Offices (A/25/9 rev.1 Add.1) 6. Proposal of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the renewal of the mandate of the Secretary-General (A/25/12 rev.1) 6. Official communications received by Member States in relation to the proposal of Uzbekistan on the renewal of the mandate of the Secretary-General (A/25/12 Add.) 7. Designation of the host countries for World Tourism Day 2024 and 2025 (A/25/15) Decision on “Redesigning Tourism for the Future” (CE/RES-PS/1(2023)) Report of the Programme and Budget Committee (CE/119/PBC24) Report of the Programme and Budget Committee (CE/119/PBC25) Report of the Committee on Matters Related to Affiliate Membership (CE/119/CMAM4)