42nd UNWTO Affiliate Members Plenary Session
Recovering tourism. Rebuilding trust. Reinforcing partnerships.

The 42nd Affiliate Members Plenary Session was held in a very unprecedented circumstance generated by the COVID 19 pandemic, which required to anticipate, address and overcome the new challenges and cater to the new trends of the tourism sector.
This annual meeting convened the Affiliate Members from all around the world to meet, discuss, share and interact around a variety of topics, serving as a dynamic space to generate ideas, discuss the latest trends of the sector and work together towards fostering public-private collaboration and promoting good practices in the sector.
The event was hosted in a hybrid format, combining in-person and virtual attendance.
42nd UNWTO Affiliate Members Plenary Session. 5 November 2020.
Thematic Sessions: ''Recovering Tourism. Rebuilding trust. Reinforcing Partnerships''. 6 November 2020.
Session 1: Time to act: UNWTO, Governments and the private sector’s coordinated response to the COVID19 crisis
Session 2:Time to act: Roadmap to new business models: Affiliate Members’ best practices (I)
Session 3: The 2030 Agenda, universal goals, practical solutions: Affiliate Members' best practices (II).
Session 1: Time to act UNWTO, Governments and private sector’s coordinated response to the COVID19 crisis
Session 2: Roadmap to new business models. Affiliate Members’ best practices
Session 3: The 2030 Agenda, universal goals, practical solutions Affiliate Members' best practices
Contributions from Affiliate Members to the Programme of Work 2021
UNWTO Affiliate Members Distinction Awards 2020 to outstanding Affiliate Member initiatives

On the occasion of the 42nd Affiliate Members Plenary Session, UNWTO gave its UNWTO Affiliate Members Distinction Awards 2020 to outstanding Affiliate Member initiatives.
The Affiliate Members Distinction Awards 2020 are a well-deserved recognition to Affiliate Members for their extraordinary contribution in recent months to the efforts of the Organization and the industry as a whole to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 and promote the restart of tourism.
The ceremony, which was held on 6 November at the Four Seasons Hotel Madrid, celebrated those stakeholders who best embodied the spirit of solidarity and determination that underlined the sector's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.