Official Launch of STAR: the Self-Assessment Tool to Assist Rural Destinations
The Tourism for Rural Development Programme by UN Tourism works to promote tourism as a driver of development and well being for communities in rural areas.
As part of the Programme role in supporting destinations and Member States to enhance tourism as a driver for rural development, a new digital tool has been created: “STAR: Self-Assessment Tool to Assist Rural Destinations”.
By employing self-assessment questionnaires, STAR allows rural destinations to evaluate their current position regarding tourism policies, strategies, and interventions, and based on the provided responses, it generates a customized Score and a set of Recommendations Guide that gathers relevant knowledge from UN Tourism and other UN agencies.
During this event, UN Tourism will officially introduce STAR, showing the features and functionalities of the tool and how Members States can benefit and engage with it.
The session will be held as a Zoom webinar.
- Antonio López de Ávila, Global Manager of the Tourism for Rural Development Programme, UN Tourism
Opening remarks
- Zoritsa Urosevic - Executive Director, UN Tourism
Why STAR: Tourism as a driver of rural development and territorial cohesion
- Sandra Carvao, Director, Market Intelligence, Policies and Competitiveness Department, UN Tourism
Presentation of STAR - Self-Assessment Tool to Assist Rural Destinations
- What is the tool
- How to engage and its benefits
- Key features and impact
- Antonio López de Ávila, Global Manager of the Tourism for Rural Development Programme
- Juan Carlos Izurieta, Senior Project Specialist, Tourism for Rural Development Programme
STAR beta-test results: Analysis and perspectives of local policies - Examples from representatives from the Best Tourism Villages by UN Tourism Network
- Abd Sanih Nasri, representative of Best Tourism Village Batu Puteh, Malaysia
- Kamalha Kireru Felex, representative of Ruboni, village in the Upgrade Programme, Rwanda
Moderator: Juan Carlos Izurieta, Senior Project Specialist, Tourism for Rural Development Programme
Closing remarks
Sandra Carvao, Director, Market Intelligence, Policies and Competitiveness Department, UN Tourism
Sesión en español
- Antonio López de Ávila, Coordinador del Programa de Turismo para el Desarrollo Rural, ONU Turismo
¿Por qué STAR?: Turismo como promotor de desarrollo social y cohesión territorial
Sandra Carvao, Departamento de Inteligencia de Mercados, Políticas y Competitivdad, ONU Turismo
Presentación de STAR - Self-Assessment Tool to Assist Rural Destinations
- Qué es la herramienta
- Cómo usarla y sus beneficios
- Características principales e impacto
- Antonio López de Ávila, Coordinador del Programa de Turismo para el Desarrollo Rural, ONU Turismo
- Juan Carlos Izurieta, Especialista Senior de Proyecto, Programa de Turismo para el Desarrollo Rural, ONU Turismo
Resultados del beta-test de STAR: Análisis y perspectivas de las políticas locales – Ejemplos de representantes de la Red Best Tourism Villages by UN Tourism
- Enric Martínez-Sala, representante de Ordino, Andorra
- Sandra Navarro Eyo, representante de Alquézar, España.
Modera: Juan Carlos Izurieta, Especialista Senior de Proyecto, Programa de Turismo para el Desarrollo Rural, ONU Turismo
Conclusiones y cierre
Sandra Carvao, Directora, Departamento de Inteligencia de Mercados, Políticas y Competitivdad, ONU Turismo