Executive Training for the Middle East Region on “Tourism for Rural Development: A Practical Approach to Strategy and Product Development”
As part of the Tourism for Rural Development Programme, this first Executive Training for the Middle East region on “Tourism for Rural Development: A Practical Approach to Strategy and Product Development” addresses the underlying needs of member states for continuous skills development, ensuring up to date learning, adaptation, and innovation.
Its main objective is to support and provide technical-level managers with practical knowledge to develop, implement and measure a strategy on rural tourism and on how to create, develop and market tourism products/destinations at a national and international scale.

Provisional Programme
Welcome remarks (online from UNWTO Headquarter)
- Ms. Zoritsa Urosevic, Executive Director
- Ms. Sandra Carvão, Chief of Tourism Market Intelligence and Competitiveness Department
- Ms. Basmah AlMayman, Regional Director for the Middle East
Presentation of the training programme
- Dr. Jad Abou Arrage, Training Instructor
Session 1: Strategic Thinking Applied in tourism
Session 2: Design Thinking applied in tourism
Session 3: Sustainable rural tourism planning processes: From theory to practice
Coffee break
Session 4: Rural tourism strategies: implementation and performance indicators
Wrap-up and evaluation
Session 5: Development of tourism products and experiences
Coffee break
Session 6: Rural tourism products and experiences: Specificities and particularities
Session 7: Marketing and promotion of rural tourism products
Coffee break
Session 8: Local community engagement and empowerment through community-based tourism
Wrap-up and evaluation
Preparation of assignments (individually and/or by group)
Coffee break
Presentation of assignments
Open discussion: exploring future opportunities for collaboration
- UNWTO Tourism for Rural Development team and participants
Evaluation and distribution of certificates
Desert Experience - to be confirmed