Taller 'Emprendedoras que impactan el turismo dominicano'

Workshop 'Women Entrepreneurs and Tourism in the Dominican Republic'

22 June, 2022

This face-to-face workshop, part of the Centre Stage project, organized by the Ministry of Tourism of the Dominican Republic (MITUR) with the support of UNWTO, had the objective to provide women tourism workers in the Dominican Republic with practical tools to be able to grow their businesses, taking into account the specific difficulties that women face within our sector and their fundamental role in the development of the business fabric of small and medium-size enterprises.

With the support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and UN Women, the workshop addressed issues such as the formalization of tourism businesses, market expansion and access to different sources of financing, while also providing a space to forge alliances among women entrepreneurs.

                All the workshop sessions are available in Spanish at UNWTO's You Tube channel.

All sessions are available on UNWTO You Tube channel


Emprendedoras que impactan el turismo dominicano
Jacqueline Mora Báez
Jacqueline Mora Báez
Technical Deputy Minister

 Jacqueline Mora Báez is an economist, with a master’s degree in Financial Economics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, where she also specialized in Applied Macroeconomics. She also has postgraduate studies in Pure Mathematics. She has been a professor at the principal private universities in the country, teaching Business Intelligence subjects and heading the Business Intelligence Unit of Verizon Dominicana. In 2008 she created the Analytical Marketing Division at Banco Popular. In 2011 she founded Analytica Empresarial, a company devoted to the areas of Economic Intelligence and Business Strategies. She is currently Deputy Technical Minister at the Ministry of Tourism.

Marina Diotallevi
Marina Diotallevi
Head of the Ethics, Culture and Social Responsibility Department at UNWTO.  

Marina is in charge of cultural tourism and social aspects related to tourism, in particular gender equality and women’s empowerment, accessibility for persons with disability, human rights, indigenous communities and corporate social responsibility. On gender equality and women’s empowerment, Marina was also the responsible for the release in 2019 of the second edition of the Global Report on Women in Tourism. In 2021 started the implementation of the Centre Stage project for “Women’s empowerment during the COVID-19 recovery” in four countries.. 

Emprendedoras que impactan el turismo dominicano
Yira Vermenton
Yira Vermenton

Yira Vermenton holds a degree in Hotel Management and is a Certified Coach. As a lecturer for individuals and companies, she facilitates transition processes by providing clarity. She works with women to help them manage change and design their ideal journey. With companies, she collaborates to create a happy organizational culture that is much more productive and collaborative, with passionate, committed employees who are much more aligned with the company’s mission. She is a Member of the International School of Lecturers “World Class Speakers Alliance”..

Emprendedoras que impactan el turismo dominicano
Dra. Daniela Moreno Alarcón
Dra. Daniela Moreno Alarcón
Expert in Gender and Tourism.

Dr. Daniela Moreno Alarcón is a Chilean/Spanish researcher, trainer and consultant in the field of tourism with a gender and sustainable development perspective. She was the gender expert for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) of the Global Report on Women in Tourism - Second Edition. She currently collaborates with the UNWTO Centre Stage project  in the development of action plans, indicators and monitoring, training for the public and private sectors and support for gender mainstreaming in tourism.
Daniela has extensive experience of over 12 years in gender-sensitive tourism planning, design, implementation and evaluation of integrated gender programmes. She has worked in more than 10 countries with a wide range of organizations such as: UNWTO, UN Women, ITC-ILO, ECLAC, FIIAPP, the World Bank and the Global Women’s Institute (GWI) of George Washington University.

Emprendedoras que impactan el turismo dominicano
Soraya Rodríguez
Soraya Rodríguez
Entrepreneur and founder of Soraya & Leonardo Tours

 Soraya Rodríguez is a sustainable social entrepreneur with a degree in Business Administration. Ms. Rodríguez has years of experience managing her family business 'Soraya & Leonardo Tours' and serving as a mentor for the first social entrepreneurship mentor laboratory group. She is also a member of the Board of ADEJA (Association of former JICA Alumni) and founder of the Ecological Group of Montecristi (GREMONT). . 

Emprendedoras que impactan el turismo dominicano
Nelfi Altagracia García
Nelfi Altagracia García
Entrepreneur and founder of Chocolala.

Nelfi Altagracia García is a social worker, the founder of several social groups in her municipality, and a tireless fighter for social causes in the community. She founded the artisanal chocolate factory Chocolala and is involved in various initiatives that promote the integration of women in all areas of society, as well as their inclusion in decision-making that has to do with the development and advancement of the municipality and the Dominican Republic. She has carried out several technical studies at the professional technical institute INFOTEP and has studies in Business Administration..

Emprendedoras que impactan el turismo dominicano
Shaina Alonzo
Shaina Alonzo
CEO & Director of Marketing and Sales of Ozeano Swimwear

Shaina Alonzo is a social entrepreneur and the founder of Ozeano Swimwear, a Dominican swimwear brand that focuses on fashion and sustainable design. Ms. Alonzo is also a collaborator of the Fashion Institute of the Dominican Republic (INMODA RD) and a collaborator of the Reef Check RD Foundation. She has a background in business administration and a master's degree in innovation, in addition to seven years of experience in the hotel sector.

Emprendedoras que impactan el turismo dominicano
Yadixa Álvarez
Yadixa Álvarez
Fundadora de Great Locals 

 Yadixa Álvarez holds a degree in Tourism in the Dominican Republic and pioneered the creation of alternative tourism offerings to diversify the country's products at the beginning of 2009. After her experiences with this initiative, Yadixa formed a tourism network called Great Locals and, through networking and marketing, visibility was promoted nationally and internationally to improve entrepreneurship in the area and the regeneration of the tourism industry.