Conference 5th UN Tourism International Conference on Tourism Statistics - Tourism: An Engine for Employment Creation 29 March - 01 April, 2009 All Regions
Technical Seminar on "The Effects of the Economic Crisis on European Tourism: Challenges and Tourism" 24 March, 2009 Europe
Joint Seminar on "Domestic Tourism Promotion and Modern Marketing Technologies" 22 March, 2009 Europe
Conference 24th meeting of the Task Force for the Protection of Children in Tourism 12 March, 2009 All Regions
Conference Stakeholder Consultation on Emergency Response and Crisis Communications 10 March, 2009 All Regions
Conference Meeting of the Tourism Emergency Response Network (TERN) on Crisis Communications in the Tourism Sector 26 January, 2009 All Regions
Conference International Conference for Decision Makers on Standards for Sustainable Tourism Development in the Middle East 16 - 18 December, 2008 All Regions
Meeting VI Edition of the Euromeeting. For a European Sustainable and Competitive Tourism between Participation and Measurability 26 November, 2008 All Regions
Conference Tourism: Responding to a Turbulent Economy and a Changing Climate - A conference for the Middle East and Mediterranean Region - 23 - 24 November, 2008 Middle East