Conference East Africa Tourism Development Forum, Mombasa, Kenya, 20-22 August 2015 19 - 21 August, 2015 Africa
Conference UNWTO Regional Conference Enhancing Brand Africa - Fostering Tourism Development, Accra, Ghana, 17-19 August 2015 16 - 18 August, 2015 Africa
Conference The 5th Conference of the International Association for Tourism Economics 29 June - 02 July, 2015 All Regions
Conference Sustainable and Competitive Hotels through Energy Innovation: Nearly Zero Energy Hotels 2015 23 June, 2015 Europe
Conference 2nd Conference on Destination Management in the Mediterranean 21 - 23 June, 2015 All Regions
Conference 7th UNWTO International Meeting on Silk Road Tourism and 1st Tourism Ministerial Meeting on the Silk Road Economic Belt 17 - 19 June, 2015 All Regions
Conference Bethlehem Declaration - International Conference on Religious Tourism: Fostering sustainable socio-economic development for host communities 14 - 15 June, 2015 Middle East
Conference ETC-UNWTO International Seminar on the Decision-Making Process of Meetings, Congresses, Conventions and Incentives Organisers 10 - 11 June, 2015 All Regions