Executive Council - 108th session

Executive Council - 108th session

22 - 24 May, 2018
San Sebastián,es


UNWTO Presentations: 

UNWTO Management vision and priorities
UNWTO Technical assistance
UNWTO Innovation and digital transformation strategy
UNWTO Tourism market intelligence and competitiveness
UNWTO Human capital development in tourism
UNWTO Communications

Thematic discussion - Presentations:

Nika Gilauri, Former Prime Minister of Georgia
Amuda Goueli, CEO, Destinia
Enrique Sarasola, Founder and President, Room Mate
Javier Sobrino, Strategy & Knowledge Director, FC Barcelona
Diana Robino, Vice President, Travel Industries,  Enterprise Partnerships, Mastercard
Svend Leirvaag, Vice President Industry Affairs, Amadeus IT Group


List of participants
List of documents (CE/108/list doc.)
Information Note (CE/108/Note Inf.)
Information Note 2 (CE/108/Note Inf. 2 rev.1)
Provisional Programme (CE/108/ prog. rev.1)
1. Provisional agenda (CE/108/1 prov)
1. Annotated provisional agenda (CE/108/ 1 prov.annot. rev.1)
2. Communication of the Chair (CE/108/2)
3. Report of the Chair of the Executive Council on the credentials (CE/108/3)
4. Report of the Programme and Budget Committee (CE/108/4)
5(a) Situation of world tourism (CE/108/5(a))
5(b) Management vision and priorities, Revision 1 (CE/108/5(b) rev.1)
5(c) Implementation of the General Programme of Work (CE/108/5(c) rev.1)
6(a) Report of the Commitee on Tourism and Competitiveness (CE/108/6(a))
6(b) Report of the Committee on Tourism and Sustainability (CE/108/6(b))
6(c) Report of the Committee on Statistics and Tourism Satellite Account (CE/108/6(c))
7(a) Financial report of the Organization for 2018 (CE/108/7(a))
7(b) UNWTO financial report and audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2017
7(c) Application of Article 34 of the Statutes and paragraph 13 of the Financing Rules (CE/108/7(c))
7(c) Application of Article 34 of the Statutes and paragraph 13 of the Financing Rules, Addendum (CE/108/7(c) Add.1)
7(d) Membership status (CE/108/7(d))
7(e) Human resources report (CE/108/7(e))
8(a) Report of the Chair of the Affiliate Members (CE/108/8(a))
8(b) Report of the Committee for the Review of Applications for Affiliate Membership (CE/108/8(b))
9. Thematic Discussion: “Tourism and the digital transformation" (CE/108/9 rev.1)
10 Place and dates of the 109th, 110th and 111th sessions of the Executive Council (CE/108/10)