The Closing Ceremony of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017
January 10, 2018

The Closing Ceremony of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017

The closing ceremony of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017 saw participants from around the world convened at the Palace of Nations, in Geneva, Switzerland. The event reviewed the year’s main achievements and discussed the roadmap for advancing the contribution of tourism towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.



As part of the legacy of the International Year, UNWTO presented the results of the ‘Tourism and SDGs’ Report developed in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The research, led by Ms Zoritsa Urosevic, Representative of the World Tourism Organisation to the United Nations in Geneva, highlighted the links between tourism and the SDGs and provides recommendations on how to steer the road towards 2030. 

The report is based on an analysis of 64 countries’ Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) on the SDG – submitted to the United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in 2016 and 2017, eight Mainstreaming, Acceleration and Policy Support (MAPS) country roadmaps and Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) activities of 60 global tourism companies. 


On the occasion, UNWTO also launched the Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals Programme as a legacy of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017. The Programme includes the ‘Tourism and SDGs’ online platform developed by UNWTO with the support of the Swiss State Secretariat of Economic Affairs (SECO) and an Ambassadors Initiative.

The platform will provide from 2018 to 2030, a space for sharing and co-creation in order to inspire and empower the tourism sector to act and embrace the 2030 Agenda, altogether contributing to a more prosperous and sustainable future for people and planet. 

If you are interested to join the 'Tourism and SDGs' Platform, please contact UNWTO Geneva Liaison Office at

To read the highlights of the Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals - Journey to 2030 report, please click here

For the Full report of the Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals - Journey to 2030 report , please click here 


For more information:

Press Release

About the Event 

Portal of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 

Travel.Enjoy.Respect Campaign 
