UNWTO presents the Crisis Communications Strategy for Madagascar to relevant ministries
June 18, 2018

UNWTO presents the Crisis Communications Strategy for Madagascar to relevant ministries

70 government officers from ministries such as Tourism, Transport and Environment from the Government of Madagascar have attended last 11-15 June a 5-day workshop conducted by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in Antananarivo, the capital city. The World Bank-funded initiative is part of the development of a Crisis Communications Strategy aiming at decreasing the impact of negative events in the country, ranking from natural disasters, pandemics and security-related issues among others.

The workshop served to present the Crisis Communications Strategy developed in the last months and to train the relevant partners who will be responsible for the implementation on the related tools. The stages of Crisis Communications (before, during and after), the structure of the Crisis Communications Strategy, ICTs-based tools and applications and media relations were some of the topics examined during the training.

The sessions were facilitated by Sandra Carvao and Ruth Gómez Sobrino, from UNWTO accompanied by Seamus Kearney, former journalist at Euronews, who introduced the participants to media relations strategies.

The project implemented in Madagascar is aligned with the expertise developed by UNWTO and UNWTO Themis Foundation in the last years through the Practicum in Crisis Communications. Thanks to this initiative involving Member States and Affiliate Members more than 200 government officers from around 60 countries have been trained in Crisis Communications.


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