Botswana launches updated Tourism Satellite Account with the support of UNWTO
PR No.: PR18015
Aligned with its commitment to develop tourism measurement Botswana has launched an update of its Tourism Satellite Account. The one year project was developed with the technical support of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
The project funded by Peace Parks Foundation, the implementing agency of the Kavango Zambezi Trans-Frontier Conservation Area Programme (KAZA), funded by the German Development Bank, had four objectives:
- Improve the Tourism Statistics Database
- Implement an improved Inbound Visitor Survey
- Provide in-depth training to ensure ongoing data collection and analysis
- Update the Botswana TSA (last one was prepared in 2011 for reference year of 2009)
Mr. Jimmy R. Opelo, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism of Botswana, officially presented the updated Tourism Satellite Account for Botswana for the reference year 2016. The main results show that tourism contributes 4.9% directly to the Botswana GDP, up from 3.9% in the previous TSA exercise.
This is the third time that Botswana has prepared a TSA - all three times in collaboration with the UNWTO.
In 2016, Botswana received 1.9 million visitor arrivals which generated USD 1.5 billion. Tourism employed about 18,670 people in Botswana.
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