High Level Forum on Medical and Health Tourism

High Level Forum on Medical and Health Tourism

10 September, 2019

Health, wellness and medical tourism have grown exponentially in recent years to become increasingly relevant in many destinations. Health tourism covers those types of tourism which have as a primary motivation the contribution to physical, mental and/or spiritual health through medical and wellness-based activities. As an emerging, global, complex and rapidly changing segment, health tourism needs to be better understood by destinations that are willing to leverage opportunities and address challenges.

In the framework of the 23rd session of the UNWTO General Assembly, the High-level Forum on Medical and Health Tourism brought together ministers from all around the world to focus on the relevance of health tourism in national strategies as well as the factors shaping it such as technological developments, personal health and regulations. It also explored the market trends, the demand and the supply of health tourism and provide a platform to share good practices.

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