Applications Now Open for 2023 UNWTO Students’ League: Bosnia and Herzegovina Edition

The new 'Off the Beaten Track' challengeaims to create a networking environment that will enable cultural connections between students, governments and businesses. Teams of students will be tasked with developing projects which showcase how tourism can contribute to rural development, a better understanding of different cultures and foster peace.
Registration is now open for teams ofhigh school students (14-18) and for undergraduate tourism and hospitality students up to the age of 25. Applications will close 16 April 2023. A Final4 Competition, hosted by UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina, is planned for June. Here, the top 4 teams from each category will compete to be named the overall winners.
This latest edition of the UNWTO Students' League will once again aim to inspire and empower young people by providing them hands-on experience within the tourism sector alongside online learning sessions guided by national and international tourism experts. The challenges will require them to develop and present creative and sustainable solutions to some of the most pressing challenges facing the sector. For this edition, students will be required to focus on supporting sustainable rural tourism development through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) along the Via Dinarica trail in the country.
The 2023 UNWTO Students' League: Bosnia and Herzegovina is organized by UNWTO, under the framework of UNDP BiH "Building Relations for intercultural Dialogue (BRIDGE) Project" which counts on the financial support of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS). The initiative is implemented and co-financed by the United Nations Development Programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNDP BiH) in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH.