The Regional Corporation of Tourism of the Valparaíso region, Chile, obtains UNWTO.QUEST Certification
UNWTO.QUEST Certification was created to enhance and recognize excellence and quality in the three key performance areas at DMO level: strategic leadership, effective execution, and efficient governance.
It serves as an example of the UNWTO’s leading work in the field of tourism standards to enhance destination management and governance and highlights once again the importance and success of public-private-community partnerships as well as horizontal and vertical cooperation in institutional governance. The Certification has a validity of four years with possibility of renewal.
The Regional Corporation of Tourism of the Valparaíso region
The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) congratulates the Regional Corporation of Tourism of the Valparaíso region, Chile, for this achievement which is testimony of the successful and continuous commitment with the governance and competitiveness to build a more sustainable tourism. It is the fifth DMO in the world, the third in Latin America and the first of Chile to receive the UNWTO.QUEST Certification, thus contributing to the competitiveness and sustainability of the Valparaíso Region as a tourism destination.
The Regional Corporation of Tourism of the Valparaíso region ranked exceptionally high in the area of assessment related to “Efficient Governance”. The Corporation stood out for its efficient and successful approach in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, taking care of the regional needs as a whole. The Corporation also showed a solid commitment to the implementation of participative governance models integrating all tourism stakeholders in the tourism planning and management of the region.