Towards a modernized legal framework for the UNWTO Affiliate Membership

Towards a modernized legal framework for the UNWTO Affiliate Membership

UNWTO is moving ahead with plans to revise its strategic collaboration with the private sector. This follows up on the commitment made at 112th UNWTO Executive Council held in Tbilisi, Georgia, in September 2020.

To advance a modernized legal basis for the UNWTO Affiliate Membership, which brings together more than 500 private entities, the “Working Group for the Reform of the UNWTO Affiliate Membership Legal Framework” met for the first time on 2 December 2020. This Working Group is composed of ministerial representatives and public authorities from Member countries across the world, including Argentina, Azerbaijan, China, Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, Croatia, Egypt, Honduras, India, Iran, Mexico, Saudi Arabia and Spain. Joining them were the Chair of the Board of Affiliate Members, Ms Ana Larrañaga, along with UNWTO experts. 

Dated back from 2011, the existing legal regulation contains some outdated provisions that no longer serve today’s modern functioning of the Affiliate Member's network. The proposed reform will modernize and streamline the procedures, including those of the governing bodies such as the Affiliate Members Plenary Session, as well as the processes for the admission of new members. It will also set up a Committee of Affiliate Members with more decision-making powers to help manage the Affiliate Members community more efficiently.

Over the coming months, the Working Group will hold regular meetings to discuss and jointly develop an updated legal framework for the membership. Next to them, Affiliate Members with solid expertise in different topics will be invited to join as ‘’Observers’’ to provide their input and contribute to the discussions. It is expected that the new regulation will be finalized and presented for approval at the 24th UNWTO General Assembly, to be held in Morocco in 2021.