UNWTO announces the results on the election of the Board of Directors of the Affiliate Members
UNWTO expresses its satisfaction with the active participation of the Affiliate Members in the voting process and its full conviction that UNWTO and the new Board will continue to deepen their joint work to foster the partnership between the Organization and the private sector, through the Affiliate Membership, in order to accelerate tourism recovery in the current context.
The 20 elected Members of the Board of Affiliate Members 2022-2025 are as follows:
- AEHM - Asociación Empresarial Hotelera de Madrid (Spain)
- BASQUETOUR- Basque Tourism Agency (Spain)
- CAT - Cámara Argentina de Turismo (Argentina)
- Chameleon Strategies (Thailand)
- CONPEHT - Confederación Panamericana de Escuelas de Hotelería, Gastronomía y Turismo (Mexico)
- Croatian National Tourist Board (Croatia)
- Facility Concept (Côte d’Ivoire)
- Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
- Universidad de Málaga (Spain)
- FITUR - Feria Internacional de Turismo (Spain)
- George Washington University (United States)
- IATA - International Air Transport Association (Switzerland)
- JTB Corporation (Japan)
- KITTS- Kerala Institute of Tourism and Travel Studies (India)
- NECSTOUR - The Network of European Regions for a Sustainable and Competitive Tourism (Belgium)
- Pacific Area Travel Writers Association (India)
- Red Estable (Spain)
- The Red Sea Development Company (Saudi Arabia)
- Tripadvisor (United States)
- World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations (Austria)
It is also informed that, in accordance with the procedure established by the regulations applicable in this matter – Article 4.6 of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee of the Affiliate Members - the Secretary-General of UNWTO will proceed to appoint three additional members of the Board, which will be announced soon.
The formal constitution and start of the activity of the new Board of the Affiliate Members 2022 - 2025 will take place in January 2022, date and format to be defined soon. On the same occasion the members of the Board will also proceed to elect the Chair and two Vice-Chairs of the Board.