World Health to Ensure Opportunities for All

Message from Madrid: World Health to Ensure Opportunities for All

Dear Friends,

In these challenging times, many of us are doing the right thing: staying at home. But not everyone has this option. Around the world, healthcare professionals are confronting the COVID-19 pandemic with professionalism, dedication and bravery.

As we mark World Health Day, we once again extend our gratitude to those working on the frontline against this pandemic.

They put themselves at great risk to keep the rest of us safe. Thank you once again!

They are part of the critical group of brave individuals making sure that essential activities keep going - from humanitarian missions to vital supply chains.

This is a challenge that puts everybody to the test.

World Health Day, is a reminder that only together will we be able to face up to this shared challenge.

Thank you.

Zurab Pololikashvili

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