Partnerships in Education
Partnerships in Education is aimed at institutions who express their intention to develop education and training initiatives in collaboration with UN Tourism.
Bearing in mind the fundamental quest to widen and strengthen education and training capabilities in tourism around the world, based on the recurrent demands from UN Tourism Members and considering the UN Tourism Academy’s mandate, UN Tourism has established Partnerships in Education Conditions that define the requirements and procedures that Institutions wishing to launch education or training initiatives in collaboration with UN Tourism must comply with.
Please find below the general conditions:
The education/training partner must:
- have at least 1 UN Tourism.TedQual Certified Programme
- be -or initiate the process to become- a UN Tourism Affiliate Member
- provide full scholarships for a minimum number of candidates nominated by UN Tourism Members
The programme is to be new and to have never been delivered previously.
Potential Benefits
- Curricula development
- Provision of basic content for the Programme
- Delivery of specific courses on a topic related to the main areas of knowledge of the Programme by international visiting lecturers
- Issuance of a separate certificate for these courses
- eLibrary access for the students of the Programme
- Handbook of basic Programme contents for all Students such as Introduction to Tourism, Ethics, Market Trends, Sustainability
- International Promotion of the Programme
- Access to the UN Tourism.TedQual Certification process for the Programmes that have completed at least one edition
- Possibility of access to additional content based on the Programme topic and the different modules’ requirements (Tourism Policy, Market Trends, Sustainable Tourism Development, among others)
- Possibility of facilitation of internship/career development agreements with international tourism corporations within the Affiliate Members, when available
Financial Aspects
Programme costs (including those provided by UN Tourism Adacemy) are expected to be either financed through the tuition fees paid to the education/training institution, or from other donors.
Those Education and Training Partners who are interested in Partnerships in Education can send their request of interest to tedqual@unwtothemis.org
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