The Seychelles Draft Tourism Human Resources Development Strategy was presented to the tourism sector and other stakeholders in a series of workshops in Mahe, Praslin and La Digue from 22 to 24 March 2024.
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The Seychelles Tourism Department is embarking on a significant journey towards ensuring the long-term sustainability of its tourism industry.
In Madagascar, the recent merger of the Ministries of Tourism and Handicrafts highlights the crucial importance of tourism inflows for the economy, especially in the post-health-crisis context.
The 69th meeting of the UN Tourism Regional Commission for the Americas brought together prominent representatives of countries of the region in the Cuban city of Varadero. The meeting addressed the challenges and opportunities of the tourism sector that the region is facing.
Chef Binta, UN Tourism Ambassador for Responsible Tourism and Executive Chef at Dine on a Mat, a Nomadic Restaurant, established the Fulani Kitchen Foundation in 2020 with the objectives to improve food security for rural communities, increase productivity through efficient post-harvest processing, and raise the income levels of women.
Data shows strong growth, especially in the Caribbean and Central America
Djibouti, nestled between the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, features an underwater paradise with unparalleled treasures. Diving in this marine sanctuary, explorers are immersed in an extraordinary underwater world with colourful coral reefs and marine life that is diverse and well-preserved.
While Côte d’Ivoire hosted the Africa Cup of Nations from January 13th to February 11th, 2024, UNWTO entered a new era by becoming "UN Tourism".
Recognizing her dedication to preserving African culinary heritage while promoting sustainability and community empowerment, UN Tourism has appointed renowned chef Fatmata Binta as Ambassador for Responsible Tourism during the 8th UNWTO World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism.
UN Tourism, in close collaboration with the Department of Tourism in Botswana, has launched a scoping mission to identify suitable tourism sites within Tourism Development Area 1, which includes Gaborone and its surrounding areas.