Americas COVID-19 Webinars Impacto de la COVID19 en los derechos de los consumidores de servicios turísticos MONDAY 22 JUN 2020 16:00 GMT+2
Middle East COVID-19 Webinars Innovative Healing solutions for the tourism private sector Monday 29 Jun 2020, 11:00 GMT +2
Africa COVID-19 Webinars Market Intelligence Masterclass for Africa: Big Data for Planning and Recovery – An Introduction
Africa COVID-19 Webinars Brand Africa and the path towards tourism recovery: positive stories from the African continent TUESDAY 30 JUN 2020 11:00 TO 14:00 GMT+2
Americas Webinars COVID-19 UNWTO Webinar para las Américas: Maximizando el big data para generar valor en el mercado domestico
All Regions Webinars COVID-19 Tourism Recovery Solutions - presentation of winning solution UNWTO Students' League webinar
Europe COVID-19 Webinars The future of consumer rights protection in tourism post Covid-19: The road to international standards
Europe COVID-19 Webinars Quo Vadis Tourism: Agenda 2030 and SDGs in times of Covid-19: the chance to true recovery
All Regions COVID-19 Webinars La Publicidad en Internet – Cómo crear campañas efectivas en Google y en Facebook/Instagram en organizaciones turísticas
Americas Webinars COVID-19 El impacto del COVID-19 en el turismo: Tratando de dar sentido a tantos o tan pocos datos