All Regions UN Statistical Commission encourages Statistical Framework for Measuring Sustainable Tourism
All Regions Sustainable Tourism Observatories: UNWTO welcomes collaboration between Guanajuato and Paraguay
All Regions Innovation in Tourism – Bridging Theory and Practice // La innovación en el turismo – Acercamiento entre teoría y práctica
All Regions UNWTO Silk Road Task Force Group discuss in Valencia a common framework for historic routes
All Regions Innovative Catalysts Boosting Sustainability in the Tourism Sector - Based on cases and initiatives from Germany
All Regions The Sustainable Tourism Observatory of Sonoma, California, becomes the 17th member of the UNWTO International Network
All Regions Benchmarking Methodology for the Development of Sustainable Cruise Tourism in South-East Asia
All Regions UNWTO welcomes the celebration of the International Day for Biological Diversity on ‘Biodiversity and Sustainable Tourism’
All Regions UNWTO appoints Shaikha Mai Bint Mohammed Al-Khalifa as Ambassador of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development
All Regions Courses GRANT for the UNWTO-UOC in “Strategy and Sustainable Management of Tourism Destinations” master course