Round Table on Sustainable Urban Tourism

Round Table on Sustainable Urban Tourism

09 May, 2017
The UN General Assembly declared 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development and tasked the World Tourism Organization to organize its implementation in close cooperation with other regional and international organizations, UN Member States and all tourism stakeholders. Against this backdrop, UNWTO and the City of Madrid, with the support of the Ministry of Energy, Tourism and Digital Agenda of Spain, hosted a panel discussion on sustainable urban tourism on 10 May 2017. This event took place on the occasion of the 105th Session of the UNWTO Executive Council.
This debate was held within the framework of the International Year and thus provided a perfect opportunity to contribute to its objectives, namely to increase awareness on the role of tourism in urban environments. The event was also aligned with the five key areas of the International Year of Tourism for Development, namely (1) Inclusive and sustainable economic growth, (2) Social Inclusiveness, employment and poverty reduction, (3) Resource Efficiency, environmental protection and climate change, (4) Cultural values, diversity and heritage and (5) Mutual understanding, peace and security. It addressed the necessary changes for tourism to become a more effective tool for the sustainable development of urban tourism.

Useful links:

Press release: "The tourism sector highlights the potential of urban tourism and the need to move towards more sustainable practices"
Pictures of the event

Additional information: 

UNWTO City Tourism Network
2016 / 2017 UNWTO City Tourism Network Action Plan 
Official website of the Internatinal Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017