All Regions Courses SCHOLARSHIP for Andorra for the UNWTO-UOC Master “Strategy and Sustainable Management of Tourism Destinations” in Spanish
All Regions Courses SCHOLARSHIP for Master UNWTO-UOC in “Strategy and Sustainable Management of Tourism Destinations” in Spanish
Americas Courses SCHOLARSHIPS for the UNWTO regional course in Mexico on "Excellence in Tourism Marketing: Social media in the tourism destination”
Middle East Courses Oman is to host two UNWTO workshops on Tourism Strategic Planning and MICE Product Development
Africa Courses Executive Training Course on Crisis Communication in Tourism, Khartoum, Sudan, 14-18 November 2016
All Regions Courses REGISTRATION for an UNWTO-GWU Online Course on Tourism as a Path to International Cooperation and Sustainable Development
Middle East Courses The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is to host two UNWTO executive training courses on Tourism Destination Management and Marketing.
Americas Courses UNWTO regional course in Mexico on “Tourism Destination Management: design of innovative tourism experiences” from 21st to 25thSeptember in Pachuca (Hidalgo)
All Regions Courses GRANT - INTERNATIONAL - Master UNWTO-UOC "Strategy and Sustainable Management of Tourism Destinations" in Spanish
All Regions Courses GRANT for Andorra - Master UNWTO-UOC "Strategy and Sustainable Management of Tourism Destinations” in Spanish
All Regions Courses La République Démocratique du Congo accueille le cours de l’OMT en politique et stratégie pour le tourisme à Kinshasa, du 18 au 22 mai 2015