All Regions Courses Curso Internacional de la OMT en Argentina “Turismo Rural Comunitario como motor de desarrollo endógeno”
Americas Courses Event Curso de la OMT en Argentina “UNWTO.QUEST: Gobernanza turística para el desarrollo local”
All Regions Courses ETC Webinar: ETC & UNWTO Handbook on Marketing Transnational Tourism Themes and Routes
All Regions Courses UNWTO Sub-regional Capacity Building Course in Ghana on Tourism Marketing: from product to experience
Americas Courses UNWTO course in Argentina on “Gastronomy as a tourist attraction factor” from 24 to 29 September in Ushuaia, Argentina
Middle East Courses UNWTO/UAE Tourism Leadership Programme in United Arab Emirates on "Digital Marketing in Tourism"
Americas Courses SCHOLARSHIPS for the UNWTO Course in Paraguay on “Tourist Routes for Community Development”
All Regions Courses UNWTO/GWU University ONLINE Course on “Tourism as a Path to International Cooperation & Sustainable Development”
Americas Courses SCHOLARSHIPS for the UNWTO regional course in Mexico on "Strategies of Sustainable Tourism for Local Development”