Statistics Capacity Building Programme
The Statistics Capacity Building Programme (SCBP) comprises a regional Statistics Capacity Building Programme and a national Statistics Capacity Building Programme, both complementary and each with an approach deemed most effective and appropriate for its scope.
Regional Statistics Capacity Building Programme
The Regional Statistics Capacity Building Programme consists of a series of three or four Workshops held in various regions of the world. For each regional Programme, jointly organized by the relevant UN Tourism Regional Department together with the UN Tourism Statistics, Standards and Data Department, around twelve UN Tourism member countries in each of the regions are invited to participate in the series of Workshops. The Workshops are hosted by a country in each region which is considered to be the most advanced or most determined in terms of the development of tourism statistics. Each Workshop takes two, three or four days and is organized in a structured manner with harmonized support material to guide countries in better understanding the current status of their national Systems of Tourism Statistics (STS) so as to be able to design the way forward for the development a relevant and accurate TSA.
RSCBP, Algeria 2017-2022
SCBP for the CIS countries and Georgia (2011-2013)
The Statistics Capacity-building Programme for the CIS countries and Georgia (2011-2013) is organized by UN Tourism jointly with the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the collaboration of Statistics Austria.
The selected countries to participate in this programme are: Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
SCBP for ASIA-PACIFIC (2010-2012)
The Statistics Capacity-building Programme for Asia-Pacific (2010-2012) was organized by UN Tourism jointly with the Australian Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, and the Ministry of Economy Development of New Zealand. It was also done in cooperation with UNESCAP, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of Thailand, the National Statistical Office of Thailand and the Department of Tourism of Philippines.
The first, third workshop and regional seminar were held in Bangkok and the second workshop were held in Manila. The fourteen countries selected to participate in this programme are: Cambodia, China, Fiji, Hong Kong (China), India, Indonesia, Japan, Macao (China), Malaysia, Maldives, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka and Thailand.
Workshops and regional seminar
SCBP for AFRICA (2008-2010) (English speaking countries)
The Statistics Capacity-building Programme for Africa (2008-2009) was organized by UN Tourism jointly with the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Statistics South Africa, South African Tourism and South African Reserve Bank.
The first and second workshop were held in Pretoria and the third, fourth workshop and the regional seminar were held in Johannesburg. The thirteen countries selected to participate in this programme were: Botswana, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Seychelles, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Workshops and regional seminar
SCBP for EUROPE (2008-2009)
The Statistics Capacity-building Programme for Europe (2008-2009) was organized by UN Tourism jointly with the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour of Austria and Statistics Austria.
The four workshops and the regional seminar were held in Vienna, Austria. The twelve countries selected to participate in this programme are: Albania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia and Turkey.
Workshops and regional seminar
National Statistics Capacity Building Programme
The National Statistics Capacity Building Programme is born from the regional SCBP activities, whereby UN Tourism acknowledged the need to develop a capacity building offering training and technical assistance (through field presence of UN Tourism Experts as well as “remote” technical assistance initiatives) tailored to the needs of specific Member States. Its design involved close collaboration between the UN Tourism Statistics, Standards and Data Department and the Technical Cooperation and Silk Road Department, with the collaboration of UN Tourism’s Regional Departments.
For more information about the national SCBP, please visit UN Tourism’s Technical Cooperation and Silk Road department.