International Development and Cooperation

International Development and Cooperation

The UN Tourism International Development & Cooperation (IDC) Department dedicates itself to meet the specific needs of the Member States and to support them in their efforts to develop and promote the tourism industry as an engine for socio-economic growth and poverty alleviation through the creation of employment.

50 projects under implementation benefiting 38 countries


Strategic objectives

Strategic objectives
  1. Build up a stronger, healthier and more efficient tourism sector
  2. Optimise socio-economic benefits of tourism
  3. Alleviate poverty at the grass-root level
  4. Promote sustainable livelihoods
  5. Preserve, conserve and enhance cultural and natural heritage
  6. Involve local communities in the development process
  7. Foster public-private partnership


Acting on requests from Member States, the UN Tourism International Development and Cooperation carries out a wide range of projects – long-term as well as short-term – aimed at the promotion and development of tourism in developing and transition countries.

These projects are implemented through funding obtained from a variety of major donor agencies such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Bank, the European Union, the Asian Development Bank, several bilateral donors and others. The UN Tourism International Development and Cooperation deploys the world’s leading experts and firms to implement technical cooperation missions and projects.

Our technical assistance covers many areas of contemporary interest and concern to our Member States and, inter alia, includes:

  • Identification and assessment of potential tourism development areas;
  • Establishment of coherent frameworks for long-term sustainable tourism development;
  • Preparation of national and regional Tourism Development Master Plans;
  • Development of community–based tourism;
  • Alleviation of poverty through tourism;
  • Development of rural and eco tourism;
  • Development of human resources for tourism;
  • Formulation and implementation of appropriate marketing and promotional strategies;
  • Strengthening of institutional capacities of National Tourism Administrations;
  • Adjustment and improvements in existing tourism regulations in accordance with international standards;
  • Stimulation and promotion of public-private partnerships;
  • Establishment of hotel classification systems; and
  • Deployment of information technology in tourism.

Worldwide Activities


Missions are carried out at the request of countries or groups of countries to identify, evaluate and describe their specific technical assistance needs and provide policy advice on the problems they are faced with. These missions are usually fielded for a short duration and result in further project proposals for funding and, in some cases, in direct UN Tourism recommendations to Members which they can implement themselves.


Projects are usually of long duration and aim to assist Governments in acquiring technical know-how in formulation of tourism policies and strategies in planning, product development, marketing and human resource development.

The projects are based on a policy of sustainability and focus on tourism master planning at all levels, establishment of tourism training institutes, formulation and regulations, preparation of marketing programmes, and national capacity building.

UN Tourism on the Ground

Preparation of a Proposal on the Structure and Key Contents of the Tourism Framework Law for Andorra

Drafting a detailed proposal for Andorra’s Tourism Framework Law, focusing on addressing the sector's critical needs and incorporating global best practices in sustainable tourism. In-depth evaluation of Andorra’s current tourism governance and legal framework, benchmarked against similar destinations. Targeted recommendations to enhance tourism regulation and support the sector's sustainable development.

Gansu Revitalization and Innovation Project

To provide the Gansu Province of China with technical assistance in tourism development by addressing structural shortcomings, including rural-urban disparities and a lack of connectivity between identified “hubs and spokes” that negatively impacts tourism length-of-stay and spending, and limits the development of self-sustainable creative tourism products. Deficiencies in the sphere of tourism skills and competencies, primarily regarding the international marketplace and limitations in the international awareness of the Gansu Province as a key Silk Road node and passageway, will also be addressed.

International Tourism Destination Plan for Jinan City and Marketing Strategy for the Expatriate Source Market

The International Tourism Destination Plan provides guidance to tourism stakeholders in Jinan to successfully develop the tourism sector in line with international standards and best practices. Marketing Jinan as an ‘authentic’ tourist destination within easy reach of China’s political and commercial centres will set in motion a trend of increased visitations by other international visitor markets.

Aerial Connectivity Assessment and Promotion for Guatemala

Diagnostic and strategic study of Guatemala’s current air connectivity to identify existing conditions, challenges, and opportunities. Support Guatemala's engagement in key events and meetings with airlines in prioritized regions, facilitating the opening of new air routes that connect the country with strategic markets. Promoting increased frequency and capacity of air routes to and from Guatemala. Advisory report with recommendations on enhancing air connectivity, and a familiarization trip to foster greater airline participation, more competitive fares, and a higher influx of passengers to Guatemala.

Update of Guatemala's Sustainable Tourism Master Plan

Assist INGUAT in revising the Sustainable Tourism Master Plan through a coordinated and participatory approach. The updated Plan will modernize the country's tourism vision and model, as well as the necessary programs and projects to achieve sustainable and competitive sectoral growth. Key features of the updated Plan include a baseline assessment, a detailed short-term action plan or strategy, and a monitoring and reporting system with performance indicators aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Capacity building for stakeholders in the tourism value chain, targeting critical areas for implementing the Master Plan effectively.

Evaluation of Guatemala's Sustainable Tourism Master Plan 2015 - 2025

Support INGUAT in evaluating the implementation of its Sustainable Tourism Master Plan 2015–2025. Measuring social, environmental, and economic outcomes of tourism-related actions and their alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals. Deliver recommendations for the Master Plan's next update, fostering a more sustainable and impactful approach to tourism development.

National Strategy and Policy for Sustainable Tourism in the Dominican Republic

Shaping and implementing a sustainable tourism framework for the Dominican Republic to secure its long-term viability and establish its leadership in global tourism. Promote equitable economic growth, safeguard cultural and natural heritage, and enhance the quality of life for local communities. Fostering a more prosperous, inclusive, and equitable society, in alignment with the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Impressions from 2023-2024: