Back All Regions UN Tourism News #19 | UNWTO and CNN #RestartTourism Share this content: Share this article on Facebook Share this article on LinkedIn Share this article on Twitter Share this article on LinkedIn UN Tourism News #19 - UNWTO and CNN #RestartTourism - 23 December 2020 Millions of people missed chances to explore different places and embrace different cultures and customs. And the world lost out on opportunities for tourism to create jobs, support businesses, kick-start development, and to protect and preserve the very things we leave our homes to see. Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili Secretary-General of the UNWTO Guiding tourism's recovery Portugal Hosts UNWTO Crisis Committee Tourism Back to 1990 Levels as Arrivals Fall by More than 70% 70% of Destinations Have Lifted Travel Restrictions, but Global Gap Emerging Advancing an International Code for Protection of Tourists Accessible Tourism Identified as ‘Game Changer’ for Destinations Towards a modernized legal framework for the UNWTO Affiliate Membership Transforming Vision Into Action – a Repository of Inspiring Initiatives, Tools and Strategic Thinking UNWTO and Google Host Tourism Acceleration Program in Middle East UNWTO Recognizes the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association in Canada for Excellence in Governance Rural Development and Recovery Focus of Executive Training Programme UNWTO Works With Government of Indonesia to Restart Tourism in Bali Statement by the Global Tourism Crisis Committee UNWTO launches its first Online Education Committee Global Talent on Display as SDGs Tourism Startup Competition Finalists Announced Fundació Mallorca Turisme Rewarded for Excellence with UNWTO.QUEST Certification UNWTO media highlights: World tourism faces worst crisis since records began, says UNWTO The Year the Earth Stood Still COVID-19 could set the global tourism industry back 20 years Global tourism lost $320 billion in 5 months from virus These Countries Have Eased Coronavirus Travel Restrictions: Restart Of Tourism Underway, U.N Reports Southern Europe Opens Its Doors to Tourists. Rebuilding World Tourism for Prosperity - World Conference on Tourism Cooperation and Development Kicked off in Beijing International travel fell 65% in H1, could take four years to recover, U.N. tourism body says Most Popular On Social Media: Innovation, safety and inclusivity to #RestartTourism.Leading by example, we traveled to Portugal where we hold the last meeting of the Global Tourism Crisis Committee in 2020. Looking ahead, UNWTO will keep guiding and uniting the sector for a resilient & sustainable recovery. We connect the global tourism community. The Global Tourism Plastics Initiative has welcomed 26 new signatories as the tourism sector moves towards the #circular economy to reduce pollution and support a #sustainable recovery from COVID-19. And we're back! The next #UNWTO - Google Acceleration program provides digital skills and tourism sector insights to #RestartTourism and help countries recover from the Covid-19 pandemic. This time with a focus on Egypt, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. "Tourism has helped me be more open-minded. It tells a story to know more about people and their culture." Zizo Ndimeni joins #MyAfrica highlighting #tourism's power to bring understanding in #Africa and globally. You too, join us and tell YOUR story! The 8th #UNWTO Travel Restrictions report is out! 70% of destinations have lifted travel restrictions, but global gap emerges. 152 destinations have eased #Covid19 related travel restrictions. 59 destinations keep their borders completely closed for international #tourism.